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Overeating Binge In Bodystockings Leads To Bloated Burping Part 2: Dessert

I just binged on dinner and joined the clean plate club, but despite my swollen, bloated belly, I'm going to eat dessert. The entire rest of the pie is mine. I've been nibbling on it all day, and now I'm ready to chow down on what's left.

Shoveling scoopfuls into my mouth, I scarf it down, relishing every bite. The sweet treat is sticky on my lips, so I wipe it off and lick my fingers clean, savoring the delicious dessert. My belly stretches as I continue eating, ever closer to an empty pie plate.

The pan grows lighter as I heap more and more into my mouth, gobbling every last crumb of sugary sweetness. I eat and eat, growing closer to rejoining the clean plate club twice over with an empty dessert plate to match my dinner plate. Ohhh, I wonder how long after I stop eating will it take for the bloating to go down?

Part 2 of 4

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