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Gloved Growth Spurt

Ooh brrr! When did it get so cold in here? There's no way I can comfortably go outside when it's nearly freezing. Should I wear my leather coat, or the new gloves that just arrived.

Wow! They match my boots so well. Wearing these long red leather gloves was the right choice. I feel so sexy in them! The red leather with my red suede high heel boots feels so warm. I can't stop touching myself with the gloves, and caressing my body.

What is happening? My breasts are heaving, and it feels like they may grow right out of my sweater! Oh, they're already so big, and so sensitive, they feel so swollen, but I don't want them to shrink. I wonder how big they could grow. Do you think that they might expand so much that they could pop? I can't stop touching them! Each caress leaves them growing more, but it feels so good.

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