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Some of My Favorite Ways to Cum

Another new bathtub water clip for you! This one is more centered around orgasms (of which I have multiple in the clip) than on being under water and breath holding. These orgsasms were SO GOOD, and STRONG. My eyes were crossing and rolling in the back of my head!

There is still some breathplay too, especially for one of the times I made myself cum using the shower head. This water was also especially hard to open my eyes and have my nose up in, but I did still try my best. I won't make any claims that there's super long breath holding in this clip though.

Genuinely, the bathtub faucet and shower head are two of my favorite ways to achieve orgasm, and some of the first ways I learned to masturbate as well. I love holding my head under and challenging myself to not come up until reaching climax. This time around I had to come up several times before I came; I need more practice!

I have many other clips focused on masturbation and orgasms!


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