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duration 34:46
Deeply Aroused: Tranced pleasure puppets tranced and controlled video from Mesmerotic
Deeply Aroused: Tranced pleasure puppets tranced and controlled by Mesmerotic When there's a beautiful woman sitting next to you, it's easy to find your mind drifting to the kinds of things you'd like to do to them, or have them do to you. But then, Kit and Trix are the kind of girls who like to have their drifting minds twisted and controlled for the enjoyment of others! And Sinister is more than happy to have two pretty puppets to play with. Sinister stirs their desire for trance and for each other, watching them as they watch each other, her words weaving their minds together as they stare into each other's eyes. So quickly they drop, their heads softly leaning into each other as their eyes roll. After a few rounds of fractionating them that way this gazing becomes a trigger, and Sinister sets her subjects up in competition to see who can manage to stay awake the longest. Trix's combative nature conflicts with her hypno-sluttiness as she struggles to make Kit drop first, playing dirty with slaps and fingers in Kit's mouth to fuck her mind away. Ultimately, of course, Sinister wins as they both drop into an incredibly deep trance. After the two are brought back to reality, Sinister latches onto the delightful little noises that Kit makes, particularly when she feels nervous or aroused. He sets Trix to making sure Kit makes as many little squeaks as possible. Building the sensations and desires in both of them until they're totally lost in how good it all feels as Sinister's words and Trix's touches melt Kit away entirely. Of course, what is there to do with an empty, tranced-out shell but play with it, and so Trix is let loose to enjoy her. After a while of being utterly transfixed by Kit's nipple and focusing all of her attention on pleasuring it as much as possible, Trix savours teasing Kit, stroking and stimulating her -- not quite as much as Kit would like, as she squrims to be touched in her favourite ways. As the arousal grows between her mindfucked toys, Sinister snaps her fingers to freeze Trix in place completely, leaving Kit pinned underneath her, Trix's immobile fingers just inches away from entering her aching cunt as she begs Sinister to unfreeze Trix. The arousal between Kit and Trix is whipped up further as Sinister hypnotically heightens their need, snapping her fingers to freeze and unfreeze them as they touch and explore, going from panting and grinding to frozen like erotic statues, their need being fed by their inability to act on it. Eventually, Sinister allows them to unfreeze. At this point, their minds are so utterly responsive that Sinister's suggestions quickly become their reality. She snaps them between headspaces: Kit suddenly not wanting to cum, then needing it again, while Trix (who was loving just denying Kit) finds herself utterly focused on pushing her to orgasm, then back to teasing again. As their desires growing to a fever pitch Sinister hypnotically links Trix's pleasure with Kit's, each action on the one causing as much pleasure in the other: Kit needing and begging to cum, while Trix craves the feeling of edging and edging and edging. With a snap, Kit's begging for it to stop instead, while Trix is desperate to crest the wave of pleasure she's creating in Kit. Soon the headspace changes are coming so thick and fast that the two tranced-out, fucked-up subjects barely know what to feel: all is pleasure, all is begging. Finally, Sinister allows their begging to sychronize, and gives her puppets permission to orgasm. They cum together: for Kit, a wonderful physical crescendo; for Trix, a hypnotic orgasm that wracks through her body, the sensation heightened by feeling Kit's cunt clenching around her fingers. They both collapse, horny and happy, Sinister's praise ringing around their trancey heads. Models: Sinister topping, Imaginatrix and Kit bottoming. More Kit can be found at https://linktr.ee/LisaKitto ✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚❋ ❋ ❋˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧ Mesmerotic is a small hypnosmut production company run by Imaginatrix and Sinister. We are available for sessions, customs and tuition. Imaginatrix: http://hypnohedonista.com Sinister: http://sinisterdenial.com

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