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Shrinking My Ex To Fuck Whilst Pregnant 2

It must be kind of scary coming round like that, huh? Don't be too worried... ok maybe a tiny bit. I decided to shrink you! I guess you probably shouldn't have trusted me last night when I said that I wanted to come over to "talk". I wanted to get my own back on you because when I told you that I was pregnant, you said that you wanted to leave me. Well now, you are too tiny to ever leave me, aren't you?? Hahaha! My body must look absolutely GIGANTIC to you all the way down there, especially my breasts and my tummy. But what to do with you, hmmmmm? If you would have just stuck around, I could have been the best girlfriend ever. This pregnancy has made me so horny even day, we could have been having LOTS of sex. Ooh, this gives me a great idea! I place you inside of my dildo so that I can still fuck you after all. With a tiny catch... I'll be fucking your entire body all at once. I'm going to slide you all the way inside of my Giantess pussy. I make myself cum hard and get you covered in my juices. I'm going to keep you as my tiny pet to play with whenever I want to.


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