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Pregnant Boobs And Belly Expansion

You bring me my morning coffee and I'm a little surprised because you don't normally do that, but I find it very sweet and I'm grateful for the gesture. After I have it though, I begin to feel a little strange. "Is it getting hot in here or is it just me??" Suddenly I get a sudden pain in my breasts which are the first to expand... the grow and my skin stretches as they get bigger and bigger!! Next is my belly!! I pull my pyjama top up to reveal that I'm suddenly.... pregnant?! How has this happened??? I continue to grow so much that I have to pull off my pyjama top. I am shocked when I look down at my newly expanded body. My breasts are soooo swollen and I suddenly shake them, figuring out that they are now full of... milk?! What was in my coffee??? You have to reverse this right now, it can't be permanent surely?? I have a little more coffee to test if it would reverse my body but it only makes things worse as I begin to grow once more!!


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