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Sore Loser - Josie vs Tracy Brooks

This video is divided into 2 separate 20 minute matches.
Both girls in business suits and high heels. Both girls in ring bad mouthing each other. Josie goes to put on her sneakers and Tracy attacks her from behind. DROPKICK, PUNCHES, FULL NELSON, LEG DROPS, BODY SCISSOR, CHOKING WITH FEET. Both girls are in hose now…FOOT DESTRUCTION, REMOVEING JOSIES SKIRT AND SHIRT (she has on a 2 piece outfit underneath), TICKLING AND MORE FOOT DESTRUCTION, BITING OF TOES, BOSTON CRAB, 2 BODYSLAMS IN A ROW, SLEEP, CAMEL CLUTCH SLEEP COMBO, CHOPS, SLINGSHOT. Fast pace action. Back and forth. ELBOW DROPS, LOW BLOWS, BELLY BLOWS, SLEEP KO AND ONE OF THE GIRLS GETS TRASH DUMPED ON THEM.
Josie is a COP and Tracy is a CRIMINAL. Tracy is mad and throws Josie into the pole. Off with boots and shorts, standing in hose and bare feet. CHOKING, STANDING, POUNDING, TRASH TALKING, BODY SCISSOR, SURFBOARD, STF, BOSTON CRAB, LOW BLOWS, FOOT DESTRUCTION. Finally Josie gets the cuffs on Tracy and hand cuffs her to ropes. Tracy tries to get away. Josie stands on her and tortures her feet once again.


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