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All 3 girls in pro gear and boots. This match starts out in the middle. VHawk is beating up Amanda big time, and throws a huge LOW BLOW to her FOLLOWED BY A WEDGIE and SPANK. LOOK FOR SEVERAL SLEEPERS. VHawk is destroying Amanda when Sin-D enters the ring, mad as hell. She attacks VHawk, and they go back and forth. FRONT FACE LOCKS, CHOKES, BELLY KICKS, TEST OF STRENGTH, LOW BLOWS, CAMEL CLUTCH, HEADBUTT TO CROTCH, FIGURE-4, SNAP MAYER, CEILING HOLD. Sin-D takes over. ELBOW TO CROTCH, HUGE LOW BLOWS, SLEEPER, DDT, MORE LOW BLOWS. VHawk is completely out when both girls now gang up on her. WEDGIES OVER AN OVER, BELLY CLAWS, KNEES TO CROTCH, STANDING SLEEPER TO SITTING SLEEPER. VHawk is drooling and foaming at the mouth. She is in convulsions and out again. Mom and Daughter trade places as well as gang up together on VHawk. CHOKES, WEDGIES AND A LIFELESS VHawk IS HOISTED IN THE AIR BY BOTH GIRLS TO BE WEDGIED AND HUMILIATED WITH HER REAR IN THE END. This is a MUST HAVE video and another PRO WRESTLING classic from Ring Women Video!


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