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DREAM GIRLS WRESTLING (in Dresses) - Vanessa Harding and Bobcat vs Ronnie and VHawk

This starts out with Bobcat and Vanessa in the ring, with their PROM dresses on, gloves, lots of makeup and BOXING gloves. They box for about 8 minutes. They are barefoot, and their heels are at the side of the ring. Lots of verbal back and forth between both girls. They are done boxing, get out of the ring and are ATTACKED from behind by Ronnie and VHawk. Ronnie works over Bobcat and VHawk works over Vanessa. They exchange words, and the battle is on. Lots of 2 on 1 action. This is not a one sided match. Bobcat and Vanessa team up 2 on 1 as well. FIGURE-4, STRETCHES, CLOTHESLINES, HEADBUTTS, CHOKES, DOUBLE DDT, DOUBLE SHORT ARM SCISSORS, DOUBLE CAMEL BOSTON COMBO, FACE SLAPS, BOOB CLAW TO VANESSA, DOUBLE BOSTON CAMEL TO RONNIE. BOBCAT RIPS PART OF HER DRESS OFF AND CHOKES RONNIE OUT, DOUBLE HEADBUTT, BODYSLAM, LEG DROP, SLEEPER, DOUBLE BEAR HUG, TEST OF STRENGTH, CAT FIGHTING, BACKBREAKER, HANGMAN, PILE DRIVERS, CHAIR TO CROTCH SEVERAL TIMES TO BOBCAT, DDT'S. Bobcat and Vanessa left the ring cut open and shoeless. The girls took their heels and left. This is a MUST HAVE video and another PRO WRESTLING classic from Ring Women Video!


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