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Lima Charlie

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Lima Charlie APClips.com profile

Hey, hi, I'm Lima
I make lots of stuff, all homemade, some more highly produced than others. I've gotten really into making smut where I can express my love BDSM, sensualism, brightness/lightness, occasional absurdism, the thrill of breathless pleasure, and/or the macabre.

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66 Videos Show All

Foot Focused Q&A on Giantess Shrinking & Squashing Men video from
Foot Focused Q&A on Giantess Shrinking & Squashing Men This is a custom video in which I show my cute feet and soft soles to the camera whild I answer 100% honestly in gruling graphic detail a q&a interview provided by the lovely soul who ordered the vid. The questions I answer in this video are as follows: I’m fascinated by the idea of all women being given the power to shrink men down to a few inches tall, say two inches. Perhaps it’s by a device that’s put on the market for only women to buy, and that only works on men. Is this something you would vote for? Would it cause men to become afraid of women? Would it change how you interact with men, and how they interact with you? Would you choose to buy one of the devices? I’m also fascinated by men being squashed underfoot by women, particularly barefoot. Could you imagine doing this to a man you’ve shrunk? What would cause you to do it? Do you think you could enjoy it? Would it change how you felt and thought about yourself afterwards? Is it a fitting end for some men? And should it be a woman's right to choose whether to squash a man, and so shouldn't be subject to legal ramifications? And would it make a difference to your willingness to do it if it became normalised in society? And could you describe what it would be like, both for you and for the man under your foot, physically and psychologically. What would your weight do to his body, and what would be left after you lifted your foot off him? How flat would he be? How different would it be if he was standing vs lying, or if he was trying to resist / hold you up? And would it be different if you did it quickly or slowly?

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About Me

Joined May.08, 2018

Hey, hi, I'm Lima
I make lots of stuff, all homemade, some more highly produced than others. I've gotten really into making smut where I can express my love BDSM, sensualism, brightness/lightness, occasional absurdism, the thrill of breathless pleasure, and/or the macabre.

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Age 28
Height 5'5"
Weight 155 lbs
Bra Size 34B
Body Type Curvy
Eye Color Gray
Hair Color Red

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I'm open to any and all requests, and while I won't do anything I wouldn't be ok doing anyway, you might be surprised how much I'm ok doing ;)

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