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Bubble Gum Bitch Body Inflation

Ugh, eww, why are you trying to dress like that? I'm so thin still! It's so easy for me to dress however, wearing tiny outfits, or just anything I want. I can be so comfortable laying around the house in my tights and crop top with nothing else on, but I am feeling really hungry. I can't stop thinking about food.....

Ooh! A piece of candy! Don't mind if I do! Oh, another one? Absolutely! I was thinking about ordering LOTS of food for dinner tonight, but I'll happily munch and chew on bubble gum while I wait. I can blow super big bubbles! Some of the bubbles get so big that they pop all over my face and get so sticky, but it feels like I'm stretching each time I blow a bubble.

I am inflating! My entire body is expanding! Oh my clothes are so tight! Nothing fits now. I've been getting bigger and bigger for days. I just can't knock this sweet tooth, and suddenly I'm just gaining weight all over really hard and fast. This bubble gum is so good, and I just can't stop chewing it! The bubbles make me feel...turned on? I just can't help myself! My body is inflating and I'm just growing bigger and bigger and bigger! My breasts are expanding right out of my sweater and I've gained so much weight, but I feel like one gigantic bubble! When will I stop growing? Maybe I should go all the way!

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