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Real denial, edging, and orgasm control from Sinister and a cast of delightfully desperate tease toys.

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Edge slut's nettle torment: HypnoHedonista bound, edged and stung in the forest video from
Edge slut's nettle torment: HypnoHedonista bound, edged and stung in the forest The forest is a nice, relaxing place, but for some reason Hedonista seems quite nervous. Possibly has something to do with the fact that Sinister has stripped her naked and is tying her tight between two trees. To help distract Hedonista from the nervousness, Sinister teases her with her fingers, until the arousal starts to cloud any other feelings. After a few edges it's then, of course, that Hedonista gets a firm cunt spanking to warm her up for what's to come. Which is a stinging nettle, gently traced over Hedonista's body. The ropes ensure she can't squirm out of the way, no matter how much she tries, and so she's helpless to stop the prickling sensation spreading wherever Sinister chooses to bring it. After a while she's rewarded with more touching... only to be left waiting while her tormentor leaves to collect more nettles. This time it's far less gentle, as Hedonista is whipped with a whole bunch at a time. Alternating between whipping and edging her tied toy, Sinister targets between Hedonista's legs and makes sure to leave her cunt stinging and aching, all the more sensitive to each touch. Finally, after having a handful of the leaves rubbed between her legs, Hedonista is allowed to cum hard before being left in place to deal with the itching, maddening sensations. Also includes a negotiation and aftercare segment where Hedonista talks about how she's feeling about what just happened to her. You can find more Hedonista at hypnohedonista.com You can find more Sinister at sinisterdenial.com
What you wish for: Dozens of orgasms torn from Kit's helpless body video from
What you wish for: Dozens of orgasms torn from Kit's helpless body This was shot the day after Breaking Point, and so Kit is pretty desperate to cum. Luckily, Sinister isn't always mean. Sometimes she gives toys exactly what they ask for. And this is one of those times, something that Kit seems very excited about. Kit's going to get to cum. Of course there's a bit of teasing first. Important to make sure that Kit is in the mood. But when she does get it, Kit's first orgasm seems to be rather intense. As does the second, and the third. By the tenth, the poor bound girl is starting to be a little less coherent. By the twentieth she's thrashing around, the pleasure too much for her to handle. By the sixtieth the orgasms are almost constant, one following the next with barely a space between. Sinister's fingers drive Kit over the edge again and again. Every degrading word thrown at Kit makes her cum harder. Every orgasm makes her more sensitive and ready for the next. She has no way to stop it, no way to avoid the pleasure that's overwhelming her. She just keeps cumming. One hundred and two orgasms. By the end Kit is just a puddle of submissive, surrendered toy. Eager for whatever more is to happen to her. So surrendered to the pleasure that Sinister has brought that the last orgasm comes just from Sinister's command. And afterward, Kit just wants to see how much more broken she can get next time. More Kit can be found at https://linktr.ee/LisaKitto More Sinister can be found at http://sinisterdenial.com
Breaking Point: Kit bound and edged beyond desperation video from
Breaking Point: Kit bound and edged beyond desperation Apparently people have been too nice to Kit lately. They've not been "mean enough" with her, letting her cum too easily. Not edging her as much as she wants. It's possible that telling Sinister this was a mistake. Because by the time she's tied down and helpless, it's made very clear that she's in for quite an ordeal. It doesn't take long at all for her to reach her first edge under Sinister's fingers. And it's not long after that before the begging begins. And it continues, because there's no way Kit is going to be allowed to cum. She was told this from the start but it doesn't stop her from pleading for it. Every edge breaking her down a little more, until she's franticly pulling against the ropes that hold her spread open. She begs for an orgasm, or even just for the edges to stop. Tells Sinister that she can't take any more, that she'll break. But of course that just encourages him. Eager to see what happens when he goes beyond what she can handle, he just pushes her harder. Kit alternates between being desperate begging and nonverbal whimpering. Between pressing eagerly against any stimulation she can get, and trying to get away from the fingers that are just going to edge her again. She begs to be allowed even a ruin, which she's denied. She offers to do anything Sinister wants, to be denied for months, if only she can cum now. So he promises to give her a chance to cum... and goes straight back to edging her. Several long minutes later, he stops. She's allowed to cum. Of course, she's still bound, and Sinister delights in watching poor Kit try desperately to touch, to find some way to masturbate... to no avail. So instead she's left aching, desperate, and utterly denied. More Kit can be found at linktr.ee/LisaKitto More Sinister can be found at http://sinisterdenial.com
Resistance Ruined: Kit struggles as she's brought to a squirting ruin again and again video from
Resistance Ruined: Kit struggles as she's brought to a squirting ruin again and again Kit starts off the shoot excited and defiant. She's been exploring denial for a couple of months, she knows that she can take whatever Sinister does to her. She's a little less confident once she's tied down, spread open, but seems pretty sure that given how easy she finds it to cum it won't be long before she gets relief. Barely a few minutes later, she first asks for an orgasm. Shortly after that, asking turns to begging turns to demanding turns to whimpering. Sinister edges the helpless Kit over and over, stopping just short again and again. Dozens of edges, each leaving Kit more desperate than the last. Each causing her to pull against the ropes holding her down as she begs. Unfortunately, no matter how much she offers Sinister *anything* in exchange for relief, he's getting exactly what he wants from her. And she can't stop him from making her situation even worse. Eventually, Sinister relents and offers Kit an orgasm at the end of a short countdown. But, of course, at the point of no return he pulls his fingers away and she squirts in a dramatic, awful, delightful ruined orgasm that leaves her staring in disbelief at what happened. Soon that disbelief turns into despair as she's made to ruin again, and again, and again. Each leaves her more sensitive, makes the next more awful. Each soaks the bed she's laying on more, as each causes her to squirt dramatically. She's soon begging again, pleading with all she has. But it makes no difference. Finally Sinister promises her a real orgasm if she can hold back as he counts down from 20. Kit does her best, straining to keep from tipping over until the count reaches one... at which point he ruins it anyway. At the end she's been through 46 edges. 19 ruined orgasms. And absolutely no satisfaction. More Kit can be found at linktr.ee/LisaKitto More Sinister can be found at http://sinisterdenial.com

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Joined Oct.07, 2021

Real denial, edging, and orgasm control from Sinister and a cast of delightfully desperate tease toys.

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Age 31

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