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Peko Lux

Peko Lux APClips.com profile

It's me, Peko Lux! I'm a fetish model who honestly loves doing all kinds of fetishes; some of my personal favorites are vore (my number one), giantess, ballbusting, silly faces, and anything having to do with my all-natural, self-manicured nails ^_^ I have a lot of fun exploring fetishes in my videos and I hope it shines through!

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Giantess Butt Crushing a Tiny Man on a Clear Chair with Peko Lux video from
Giantess Butt Crushing a Tiny Man on a Clear Chair with Peko Lux Wow...I've never had a tiny man go so far as to MAIL themselves to me...that's...crazy! You must certainly be my biggest fan, just like you said! So...what's your fetish, tiny guy? You - WHAT? You want me to SIT ON YOU!? But my ass is so fat, this big booty will absolutely smother you! What's that? Well...ok...if you're REALLY, REALLY sure... Ok, here goes...I'm lowering my big Latina booty down on you...oo, I can just BARELY feel you down there. I mean, I know I've been saying it a lot, but I've got a lot of junk in the trunk, you know? Um...are you ok? Guess I should lift up a little...speak up! Oh...ok...if you're ok, I'll keep going...I'm impressed, actually. I guess I should give you a little break here and there, though. Smoosh smoosh! I'm moving my butt around...ooh, you're riiiight near my buttcrack, huh? I bet you must really like it down there, to put up with the sheer weight of my ass. And I just got back from the gym, so it's a big, sweaty (but clean!) booty that you're taking the full weight of! Speaking of which, let me change my panties into a thong... Ok, I'm back! Hmm...I guess you can enjoy my round thang while I file my nails...I'll keep checking in on you, though! But not TOOOO much...after all, this is what you wanted...I know you reaaaaally like this you little tiny pervy man! Oh no...am I squishing your balls? Your chest? Oops, well...not my problem. In fact, you shouldn't be complaining at all, you wanted this...bad!

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About Me

Joined Jul.09, 2020

It's me, Peko Lux! I'm a fetish model who honestly loves doing all kinds of fetishes; some of my personal favorites are vore (my number one), giantess, ballbusting, silly faces, and anything having to do with my all-natural, self-manicured nails ^_^ I have a lot of fun exploring fetishes in my videos and I hope it shines through!

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Age 31
Height 5'4"
Bra Size 34B
Body Type Athletic
Eye Color Brown
Hair Color Brunette

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Videos 18
Views 2,225
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Faved 8

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