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duration 21:03
Housewife Gets Big Bubble Gum Bimbo Body Inflation video from BlackxRose92
Housewife Gets Big Bubble Gum Bimbo Body Inflation by BlackxRose92 Ugh, it's so sad and gloomy outside, all cold and frigid. I guess I could just stay home and eat my feelings. What am I in the mood to eat though? I'm not sure, maybe delivery, but I really have a sweet tooth. With my current mood, I'm feeling too depressed to try to sext tonight. I just want big bimbo tits and luscious curves, but I can't stop thinking about this sweet tooth of mine until.... Ooh! A piece of candy! Don't mind if I do. I'll just enjoy this bubble gum while I think about my plans for the weekend and what type of food to order for delivery. However, this flavor tastes...interesting. How very odd? Something feels amiss. This tastes great, but I'm really not sure what it is. Oh, wow.....oh my,..... Haha, when I blow the big, big bubbles, they get like SO sticky and then explode all over my face. Hah, well oops, now when I chew and blow big bubble gum bubbles that pop on my face that burst and leave sticky all over my lips and chin, even my nose. Oh, oh, ohhhhh! What's happening to me? Just giant fucking titties! Oh they've grown so big! But do you think they could go bigger? I wonder if it's possible to get a big booty to go with this juicy rack! Oh ohhhhh! They've just grown again! I don't fit into like any of my clothes anymore. Truth be told though, I'd still go bigger if I could. Like, I'd totally get everything else expanded too. Ohhhhhh! Just as I've gotten too carried away, I find myself expanding and growing all over, like my entire body is gaining weight all at once, or a mega all over body inflation. It's like, ever since I found this gum, I can't stop blowing bubbles with it! It's really ramped up my sweet tooth and now I'm just growing out of my clothes on the spot. I'm expanding more and more every day! Every part of me is getting so much bigger, that I struggle to stay in my clothes, regularly having to shift so that I don't expand out of them. Ugh, finally just when I think I might POP just like my bubble gum bubbles, I let out a rather large belch and deflate noticeably. I can't spit this gum out though! Ohhhh ahhhhh mmmm! I try burping again, but oh this bubble gum! Look how much I've grown! Previews and GIFs are censored, videos are uncensored
duration 28:15
The Stuffed Secretary's Day Off video from BlackxRose92
The Stuffed Secretary's Day Off by BlackxRose92 Oh yes it's my day off! The boss sent me pizza to say thank you for working late last night, and every other night, but there's no way I'm letting this get cold. I'm eating while it's hot! My phone hasn't gone off all day, and surely I'd have received a call or something by now if the office needed me to come in again, or my boss would just text me personally. Freshly showered, but my hair is wet and up in a bun, and I'm wearing glasses and pajamas while I stuff my face and mouth full of food. I eat so much, that I've visibly stuffed myself as my pajamas are now distended around my bloated belly, but I'm showing no signs of stopping. Not until I get to the last three slices of still steamy hot pizza do I consider pausing, but I shrug it off as I decide there's no point in taking up fridge space with only three left, so I just eat them all. Just as I'm lazily munching on the last crust of the last slice of pizza does my phone begin to thrum a steady vibration of pings and buzzes as I'm chewing with my cheeks full of food... Oh no.....he does want me to come in to the promotional dinner after all? Oh... Hours later, I'm back, but my hair has been let down and a mess all over the place. Despite eating all of the promotional lunch, appetizers, dinner, and the desserts after, my red lipstick is still perfect. My clothes are disheveled, my hair is mess, and I just cannot stop belching. My bloated belly is so tight in my skirt suit and pantyhose that I struggle to get it unzipped, but I grunt and moan as I wiggle it down far enough to breathe, which makes me yawn and burp even more. I've eaten so much today! My boss keeps giving me all this food, and I just can't say no. Ohhhh, why did I *BURPS* eat so much? Previews and GIFs are censored, videos are uncensored
duration 10:18
Not My Fat Pants: Stuck In Skinny Clothes video from BlackxRose92
Not My Fat Pants: Stuck In Skinny Clothes by BlackxRose92 My TV and chill date is coming over later, and I was going to wear something sexy, but I'm feeling really bloated and round, just incredibly distended. We're not supposed to have sex, but of course if the opportunity arises, then I won't say no. Hmm, I was going to wear my skinny sweatpants for easy access with sexy lingerie panties, but I couldn't find the match to this bra set and these pants look way too small now. Is this outfit even going to fit? Struggling into the panties and bra is tricky, but manageable with great effort that leaves me gasping. I must have gained way more weight than I thought this month. After surgery these pants fit so well they were loose, but I was 111 pounds at that time and I got much bigger quickly. I didn't think more than 20 pounds would make such a huge difference trying to fit into my "skinny sweatpants", but I'm stuck and I really lost track of my weight gain. Half in and half out, it takes so much wiggling, jiggling, jumping, pulling, tugging, and shimmying to get into my (no longer) easy access sweatpants that I'm completely out of breath. Laying on the bed with my bloated belly bulging out of my sweatpants that I cannot get up, I'm left to contemplate just staying naked...or maybe even taking his clothes instead. All I wanted was snacks and sex, maybe snacks in bed and more sex and a snack-nap sounds good too, but my bloated belly is so chubby and tight with expansion now that I just can't fit into these pants. My cotton t shirt shrunk in the wash, and it seems it won't fit over my belly bloat problem either, but the idea of ordering delivery dinner in and answering the door naked seems like a better option suddenly than struggling a moment more with these tight, way too small clothes that just don't fit my chubby anymore. Maybe sex still? Only if he's ok with me eating two servings of dessert too, otherwise I might be taking sex off the menu and eating more to compensate for it.
duration 25:20
Overweight to Underweight to Chubby Weight Gain Journey: Stuffing Entire Pizza video from BlackxRose92
Overweight to Underweight to Chubby Weight Gain Journey: Stuffing Entire Pizza by BlackxRose92 I've been working so hard to put on the pounds! After dropping to underweight before my surgery, my number one goal since coming home has been to put on as many pounds as possible. Does it look like I'm there yet? I've been taking so many extra snack breaks to get in as many calories as I can consume, but I'm not sure if I can see them sticking just yet. The scale has other plans in mind. Four pizzas this week, well, that is how many I will have eaten after this one anyways. I haven't eaten it yet. It's still sitting on my lap, hot and ready to bloat my tummy full of yummy nummy foods. Yesterday was spent cleaning the kitchen and now I've spent a long day filming fetish videos, so I'm way too tired to make dinner. Luckily, one of my weight gain fans is eager to help me pack on the pounds and has helped me with a quick reorder of my favorite pizza, but there's one catch. All of the toppings have been doubled! This pizza didn't stand a chance. I showed off my belly before I started eating because I knew I would get bloated fast. After eating the pizza, my belly is distended and stretched beyond belief. I drink my entire bottle of water to chase down the last of my meal, but it makes me start burping like crazy. The belches come fast and rumble out deep gurgles as my bloated belly stretches visibly once I pop the easy access snaps on my lingerie, groaning in relief as I roll it up and show off how stretched out my belly is. Somehow I packed an entire overstuffed pizza inside my stomach, food stuffing as many calories in as possible. Can't wait to see what next week's weight gain goal is!
duration 32:00
Overweight to Underweight to Chubby Overeating to Gain Weight Journey video from BlackxRose92
Overweight to Underweight to Chubby Overeating to Gain Weight Journey by BlackxRose92 This is the first chronicle in my weight gain journey as I've gone from overweight to underweight, and am now pursuing a chubby, squishy, thick goal. Before stuffing my face, I show off my belly and waist, noting how extra teeny tiny it is lately and commenting on how visible all of my ribs are. I really need to gain weight and want to see how many pounds I can put on, but the first step to achieving that is eating as much as I can, as often as I can. Being a nerdy book worm, I love reading for hours and hours, which makes for an easy excuse to eat a ton of foods for a really long time. I've got my giant romance novel, a big serving of home cooked dinner, and a triple serving of a mega protein packed strawberry cake that I made fresh. My cake is so hot that the steam is still sizzling when I show off my too trim belly from all different sides with my sweater pulled up and my tights pulled down to emphasize how desperately I need to get chubby and gain plenty of weight to stay healthy. The food budget is going to be tight with me eating double and triple meals for the next few months, but my husband has reassured me that I need to stuff my face every single day and to continue increasing meal sizes for months until I gain enough weight to stay soft and overfed comfortably. I'm starting with bigger portions and moving on to adding in extra meals, extra servings, and extra sweets to get the weight gain going. I finish off my dinner with mostly no problems, attempting to unshrink my poor little tummy, but struggle with finishing every single bite of my cake to join the clean plate club. Eventually my bowls are held up for inspections, then set aside to show off the drastic change in my bloated belly from what it was before in its starving, ravenous growling state before I stuffed my face full of food. Some of the gurgles in my belly quickly turn into burps and belches, but a few swigs of my water has me burping deeply as the digestion begins to kick in hard and fast, leaving my stuffed tummy distended and tight, but still in need of more food as I yawn and comment in between burps about having a snacknap after closing my sex book.

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