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StepFamily Friendly Programming

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Stella and Fuuka are step-sisters who hate each other almost as much as they hate their step-mom Lacey, who is closer in age to them than her husband. Lacey has tried everything to get them to bond as a family but nothing works. Lacey makes them all sit together on the couch and turns on something she calls “wholesome family programming” but this programming is of a different nature. Strange music fills the air, and the girl's eyes are drawn to the strange flashing text on the screen. They both try to resist it, but its not long before they are mindless and obedient. As Lacey reinforces their programming she leads them through special mantras, helps them all remove their tops to become closer, and has them kiss each other in front of her. Step-sisters need each other, but they also need their step-mommy .. so she moves their empty heads to suck mindlessly on her breasts. The more they suck, the deeper they drop under the program's strange control.


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