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Sweet Lil Sis Would Never Do This....

photo of Kat DanzKat Danz

30:24 | Added 7 months ago

Blackmail? A surprise livestream? Not how you thought your night would go....
You've taken a magic potion that allows you to possess another person's body. And your chosen target- your sweet, innocent sister. She's been refusing to try on her university play's costume- she says it's too revealing. But you're sure that if you can just take a few photos of her in it, she'll change her mind. The skin-tight latex suit looks great on your sister's body! But the best test is to get other people's opinions, right? You decide to do a quick livestream in the costume to gauge everyone's reactions. But soon, the chat fills with degenerates begging you to take out your tits, touch yourself, do nasty things for these strange men you don't know. But you can't ruin your sweet sister's reputation like that. It's gone too far!
As you rush to turn off the livestream, someone comes up behind you. It's.... you? Your body, which should be dormant in your bedroom, is up and staring at you! How could this be?
He reveals he's a viewer from the livestream chat who had the same body-possessing potion you did. So he saw the perfect opportunity to stir up some of the worst trouble you've ever been in.
He came here to possess the brother's body and fuck you.... while you're in your sister's body. While the morality is murky, he knows what he wants, and he threatens you with leaving you stuck in your sister's body forever if you don't do as he says. You have to turn your sister into a degraded whore for this man if you ever want your body back!
The livestream continues as you lay back and allow the stranger to use your sis's pussyhole to pump his (your?) cock into. The chat is thirsty to watch every second of the brother-sister fuckfest happening live on cam.

Okay, enough smut. Time to watch the vid hehe!

INCLUDES: brother sister roleplay / magic potion / body transformation fetish / simulated livestream / blackmail fantasy / pigtails / extreme dirty talk / subtitled captions for "brother" / submissive / petite / cosplay costume / moaning fetish


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