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Trust in Me: Kaa finds you lost in her jungle...

Poor thing- out here all alone? What a blessing that you've found someone you can trust, someone to keep you safe. Look into my eyes, and you'll see, you can relax with me. Just let me coil myself around you, so comforting... Squeezing you, prey- doesn't that feel so good? Pleasure building with each squeeze, making your eyes cross, making you gulp as you feel the tightness of my body pressing against you. The pressure feels so wonderful, almost orgasmic, lost in my voice and my eyes and my coil. Sleep now, my prey...

CN: Themes of deep relaxation and helplessness. Mentions of being consumed as my prey. Suggestion to feel physical sensation of being squeezed, both body and mind. Suggestions around pleasure and a feeling of orgasmic release. Suggestions to cross eyes and to gulp as I squeeze you. Brought up at the end. Gender neutral.

(The green screen is my first attempt at such things, so it isn't perfect, but I still think this green screen version was more atmospheric than the plain background).


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