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AliceInBondageLand APClips.com profile
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Because It's The Cup - Hockey FemDom Group Spanking Punishemnt video from
Because It's The Cup - Hockey FemDom Group Spanking Punishemnt Because it's the cup...

How much pain can one poor submissive handle in the name of hockey?

I would like to introduce you to my favorite femdom side game down at the Shark Tank during hockey season... SWATS FOR SHOTS!!!

For every shot on goal that the opposing team gets against my home team, I get a swat against you! Most masochists pick their ass to take the spankings but some brave souls choose to put their BALLS on the line too! Since each round of the Stanley Cup playoffs can last up to seven games, there's some great potential for triple digit numbers. You KNOW that you're in for a punishment when they have to get out a calculator to figure out how much trouble you're in!

One of the best aspects of Swats for Shots is how it always grows into an audience participation event. Once they see my special custom MISTRESS jersey and understand the rules, people start volunteering to be the next targets for my special custom paddle. The best moments are when women offer up their date to be my new whipping boy! What a wonderful way to meet fellow femdoms "in the wild."

Another entertaining variant is SHOCKS for Shots, but they don't let me bring a cattle prod into the Arena. Remote control CBT devices can be a great way to keep a televised game exciting at home or in a loud sports bar. No one needs to know the REAL reason you're groaning about the score.

I ritually punish Elvis for the wrongs done by the Knights against the Sharks, on stage at DomCon Los Angeles with special help from my fellow Mistresses of Ceremonies, Mistress Mia Darque and Mistress Sadie Synn along with Lady Kasia Amarande.

Hockey is my favorite sport but it is also the most superstitious.

Thus, it is with special pleasure that I show you all the REAL reason that the Las Vegas team was finally defeated in their playoff run. It seemed impossible, but a few days after performing this special humiliating ritual, their blast to the top was finally interrupted. It isn't as good as winning the cup, but it sure was fun. Congratulations to the 2018 Stanley Cup winners, our second favorite team "anyone that isn't Las Vegas."

Go Sharks!!!

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Joined Oct.03, 2015

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